Записи с меткой: Preventing

Preventing Malposition before Delivery

Preventing Malposition before Delivery

The best way to avoid these complications is to make sure that the baby changes position well before delivery, and there are several ways of doing this.

You may be able to tell if your baby is breech if you can feel a hard head bruising your ribs or if you get sudden sensations of urgency when the baby kicks you in the bladder. If the baby seems to be fixed in this position at around 32 weeks if it is your first baby, or 35 weeks if you have already had a child, you can take the following steps to help yourself. You can try and persuade the heaviest part of the baby — the head — to shift downwards by inverting yourself and allowing more room for a change in position. The best way of doing this is by holding yourself upside down in a swimming pool as often and for as long as is possible...

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