Записи с меткой: placenta

Dealing with Placental Insufficiency during Pregnancy

Dealing with Placental Insufficiency during Pregnancy

Placental insufficiency is a condition where there is a reduction in the placenta’s ability to sustain the baby. The placenta or afterbirth is the organ within the uterus where the baby’s blood vessels exchange waste products from the baby’s system for oxygen and other nutrients supplied by the mother’s blood. If the placenta either does not develop normally or starts to deteriorate for some reason, the baby will go short of essential materials for growth. This will be apparent if your uterus is not growing at the expected rate and may be demonstrated by ultrasound. Placental insufficiency can be caused by raised blood pressure, smoking, syphilis, diabetes and bleeding in pregnancy.

You can be reasonably sure that your placenta is functioning well if you are aware of the baby kicking frequ...

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