How to Deal with Pregnancy Bleeding

How to Deal with Pregnancy Bleeding

Bleeding in pregnancy is always worrying. The conventional advice to women on discovering that they are bleeding is to call a doctor and immediately go to bed, or, if the bleeding is heavy, to call an ambulance. However, there are various reasons why some women prefer not to do this.

Firstly, for some women, especially those for whom it is not their first pregnancy, bleeding seems to be relatively normal. For example a small survey of women suffering from endometriosis, a common condition where uterine tissue grows outside the uterus, found that as many as 50 per cent experienced bleeding in pregnancy, sometimes on and off throughout the pregnancy. Although they may not feel happy about it, they may feel that they can cope with it and would rather manage at home than be hospitalised.


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Pregnancy Guide — DIY Delivery

Pregnancy Guide — DIY Delivery

«My husband and I are curious as to what the authorities could do if we decided at the time not to call the midwife, as I would very much like my husband to deliver my baby and I know that the midwife would not be prepared to take a back seat if we called her. This is something we feel very strongly about and I feel safe and more comfortable having my husband there instead of the midwife — who, incidentally, is still trying to make me go into hospital.»

It is difficult not to feel sympathy with the mother who wrote this. However, do-it-yourself delivery is not recommended because of the slight risk of either you or the baby needing the specialised skill or equipment of the midwife...

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Learn about Natural Conception

Learn about Natural Conception

The number of births to women in the United States over age 35 is declining with increasing age of the mothers. This is not merely a matter of choice. The fact is that fertility declines with age, and the currently popular notion that it is easy to conceive after 35 is too rosy. In fact, fertility starts a slow decline at about the age of 27, and by 42, according to the Centers for Disease Control, a woman’s chances of conceiving naturally and carrying to term a healthy baby are less than 10 percent. It is a disservice to you for us to try to sugarcoat these facts or for you to ignore them. Likewise, if you are having difficulty conceiving, do not think of it as your «fault.» It is a biological phenomenon. And it does not mean that you cannot become a mother, in one way or another.

Barbra ...

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Why Not Tickle My Child?

Why Not Tickle My Child?

Tickling is one among those customary forms of play that’s handed down from generation to generation through our families. It seldom questioned, however deserves to be considered a lot of rigorously, as it is a variety of play which will, despite sensible intentions, hurt a toddler.
To put tickling during a broader framework, it’s one among the ways that to play that puts individuals in reality with one another. It is also a dependable thanks to get innumerable laughter rolling. Thus tickling appearance, on the surface, sort of a reasonably play that kids get pleasure from, which is nice for them. And indeed, some kids raise their oldsters for tickling games.
We tend to are glad to be asked—it feels nice to possess a moment thanks to laugh and be mocking along.
But in my a few years of p...

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Lack of Progress in Labor

Lack of Progress in Labor

This is defined as a failure of the cervix to dilate beyond a certain point, as a failure of the presenting part to descend, or as a failure of the woman to give birth after being in labor for a specified number of hours. Its only cause should be cephalo-pelvic disproportion (where the baby’s head is too large for your pelvis) but is more commonly due to tension, of which you may not consciously be aware, preventing you from dilating.

This is unlikely to happen at home, where women are more likely to be allowed to labor for as long as necessary without arbitrary time limits set upon the length of their labor. The only situation where home is not likely to be less inhibiting than hospital is where you have someone present who is clearly anxious or disapproving...

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Minimizing the Chance of Having a Baby with Problems

Minimizing the Chance of Having a Baby with Problems

There are ways in which you can minimize the chance of having a baby with problems, some of which involve taking steps before you become pregnant. This would obviously be worth considering if you have already had an affected child or if you have a family history that suggests your baby might be at risk. In these circumstances it would be a good idea to seek genetic counselling, which can be arranged through your GP.

— Make sure that you are eating well. This is generally held to mean cutting out, or at least down on, refined foods such as biscuits, cakes, sweets, high-fat foods like chips, and foods that contain large amounts of sugar, additives and artificial colourings...

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Holiday Meltdown How to Avoid it

Holiday Meltdown How to Avoid it

Your offspring can have huge feelings once a special vacation or birthday comes up. It’s one in every phenomenon that you’ll be able to set your clock by. However it should facilitate to understand that each different family deals with a similar development you are doing.

Children area unit designed to possess huge feelings on huge occasions.
Why? Once any vacation or birthday rolls toward a family, they get less relaxed time with United States of America. They need additional expectations of «good behavior» at homes they don’t seem to be acquainted with, and among individuals they will not understand well.
Children’s hopes soar in anticipation of a special day. Once hopes area unit high, each kids and adults will feel disappointments way more acutely.
A third issue is that the principle t...

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The Benefits of Ultrasound

The Benefits of Ultrasound

Ultrasonagraphy provides a picture of a fetus by means of bouncing high-frequency sound waves off the baby. It is useful for dating the pregnancy, checking for major abnormalities, to see if there is more than one baby, locating the placenta and assessing the cause in cases of bleeding in pregnancy. It is routine in many hospitals at around 16 weeks of pregnancy, and you may be under pressure to accept a scan even if you are having your baby at home.

The actual procedure involves lying on your back on a narrow trolley while a blunt probe is scanned across your abdomen, which is lubricated with conductive gel. A sometimes blurred picture is built up on a nearby screen. It is possible to freeze the picture so that specific measurements of the baby can be made to assess the gestational age.


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What To Do About Bullying

What To Do About Bullying

Bullying may be a extremely contagious behavior that transmits instantly from kid to kid, just like the contagion. The behavior will begin with associate degree adult bullying, threatening, demeaning, or gaspingly excluding a toddler.

Some oldsters do that as a matter of course: it’s accepted in several families as rightful discipline. However disrespect and intimidation set a behavior example that youngsters absorb fully.

When a toddler has been treated badly, or has witnessed harshness, the behavior enters the child’s expertise; however her mind can’t method it. Youngsters merely don’t perceive meanness or harshness. It continually hurts, even once they aren’t the direct target.

The words aforementioned, the facial expressions a toddler sees, the visual communication of the aggress...

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Rest after the Home Birth What You Should Know

Rest after the Home Birth What You Should Know

There is a disadvantage to having a baby at home — namely the expectation that, because you have not been in hospital, you are able to continue an active life without a rest. If you are at home you are available to solve any housekeeping or childcare problem. You are also available to visitors, who are unrestricted by visiting hours.

You may feet wonderfully fit after having a baby at home. You are less likely to have had drugs or an episiotomy, or for your labor to have been induced or accelerated. You may not have had syntometrine and your labor may have been shorter than if it had been in hospital. All these things can contribute to your feeling as if you can carry on just where you left off. However this does not mean that you should...

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