Записи рубрики: Другие

Вы планируете стать родителями?

Вы планируете стать родителями?

Вы все чаще стали задумываетесь о родительстве? Вы уже хотите стать мамой и папой?

Девочки раньше осознают себя мамами. Этому яркий пример, игра в «дочки матери». Как же определить собственную готовность стать матерью или отцом? Есть ли какая-то шкала с баллами по определению готовности будущих родителей?

Все чаще девушки стали рожать после 25, хотя не так давно их уже считали бы «старородящими». Хочется отметить, что молодые люди стали более осознано подходить к планированию и рождению детей.

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Предохранение от беременности

Предохранение от беременности

Ученые нашли принципиально новое средство предохранения от нежелательной беременности. Медики из США находятся на завершающей стадии разработки контрацептива со 100%-ной гарантией. Это вагинальный пластырь, или суппозитории, «отключающие» ген, который отвечает за слияние яйцеклетки и сперматозоида.

Человечество, а в частности акушерство и гинекология, на протяжении двух десятков столетий билось над решением этого вопроса, пока специалисты бостонской больницы Brigham and Woman’s Hospital не обратили внимание на загадочный ген ZP3, отвечающий...

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Социальные аспекты суррогатного материнства

Социальные аспекты суррогатного материнства

Английскими учёными из Лондона (Городской университет) проведено исследование социальных аспектов суррогатного материнства. Около 70 процентов опрошенных пар до проведения процедуры оплодотворения не знали суррогатную мать.

Примерно в 18 процентах случаев суррогатными матерями были родственники жены, в 14 процентах — хорошими знакомыми семьи.

При выполнении роли эрзац-матери посторонней женщиной, супругами до первой процедуры, обеспечивающей зачатие, практиковалось в среднем около шести встреч с эт...

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Why Not Tickle My Child?

Why Not Tickle My Child?

Tickling is one among those customary forms of play that’s handed down from generation to generation through our families. It seldom questioned, however deserves to be considered a lot of rigorously, as it is a variety of play which will, despite sensible intentions, hurt a toddler.
To put tickling during a broader framework, it’s one among the ways that to play that puts individuals in reality with one another. It is also a dependable thanks to get innumerable laughter rolling. Thus tickling appearance, on the surface, sort of a reasonably play that kids get pleasure from, which is nice for them. And indeed, some kids raise their oldsters for tickling games.
We tend to are glad to be asked—it feels nice to possess a moment thanks to laugh and be mocking along.
But in my a few years of p...

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Holiday Meltdown How to Avoid it

Holiday Meltdown How to Avoid it

Your offspring can have huge feelings once a special vacation or birthday comes up. It’s one in every phenomenon that you’ll be able to set your clock by. However it should facilitate to understand that each different family deals with a similar development you are doing.

Children area unit designed to possess huge feelings on huge occasions.
Why? Once any vacation or birthday rolls toward a family, they get less relaxed time with United States of America. They need additional expectations of «good behavior» at homes they don’t seem to be acquainted with, and among individuals they will not understand well.
Children’s hopes soar in anticipation of a special day. Once hopes area unit high, each kids and adults will feel disappointments way more acutely.
A third issue is that the principle t...

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Rest after the Home Birth What You Should Know

Rest after the Home Birth What You Should Know

There is a disadvantage to having a baby at home — namely the expectation that, because you have not been in hospital, you are able to continue an active life without a rest. If you are at home you are available to solve any housekeeping or childcare problem. You are also available to visitors, who are unrestricted by visiting hours.

You may feet wonderfully fit after having a baby at home. You are less likely to have had drugs or an episiotomy, or for your labor to have been induced or accelerated. You may not have had syntometrine and your labor may have been shorter than if it had been in hospital. All these things can contribute to your feeling as if you can carry on just where you left off. However this does not mean that you should...

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Helping Children with Shyness

Helping Children with Shyness

Each kid comes into the planet with a distinct set of potential characteristics. As parents, our challenge is to search out ways in which to figure with, and celebrate, the folks our kid’s square measure. Some youngsters square measure slow to consider others. If your kid acts keep, he wants you to fondly settle for and validate him, simply the approach he’s, whereas at an equivalent time warmly encouraging him, indicating that things are literally safer than he will tell.

Children take pleasure in data

First of all; speak together with your kid before going into things wherever he tends to become anxious. If he is terribly young, you may not get several words back from him, however you may pop out with one thing like this: “It’s virtually story time...

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