Записи с меткой: vaccination

Scientists have disproved the myth that vaccination can be harmful to children

Scientists have disproved the myth that vaccination can be harmful to children

Nowadays the parents who have never faced dangerous infectious diseases (such as whooping cough, rubella, measles or mumps) can be misleaded by false information about potential harm that vaccination can cause to children. There is a myth that vaccines can lead to autism and can even become the reason for death. However, these myths are absolutely wrong.

Australian scientists have conducted research and found the reason why this false information is so widespread. The fact is that the first syndromes of genetic and other diseases appear at the age of about 6 months. Vaccination is usually done at 2, 3 and 4 months, and this leads to further wrong assumptions.

In 1974 the first scandal took place in Great Britain: some kids parents claimed that vaccination caused neurologic complications t...

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