Записи с меткой: Implantation

Improving the Chance of Successful Implantation of the Embryo

Improving the Chance of Successful Implantation of the Embryo

One technique that may improve, at least marginally, the chances of successful implantation of the embryo is called «assisted hatching.» A small opening is made in the outer layer of the embryo, by means of a tiny laser beam; this opening seems to enhance the embryo’s attachment to the wall of the uterus. The technique is similar to the gardener’s trick of pricking the hard outer shell of some seeds before planting, to encourage germination.

To help support the lining of the uterus during the time when the new embryo is implanting, progesterone is usually given for 10 to 14 days. Progesterone is the hormone produced naturally by the ovaries in the second half of a woman’s cycle, so this administration of progesterone mimics what happens in natural conception...

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